As time goes on, the whole of society, and with it companies, will become more digital. However, there are still many, either out of obligation or need, storing their documents on paper. Being obliged to do so, of course, with extreme caution.
Not to store in a way that ensures their accidental loss or access by unauthorized persons.
None of us want our data to be easily accessible. Mostly the companies that are responsible for all the data entrusted to them.
However, a forgotten key in front of the door or stolen key unfortunately causes this danger. InVue has found the best solution here. The InVue key and lock solution works in a unique way. The key works with a unique code, the IR3 key code expires after 12 hours, making the lost or stolen key useless. Also, it is not possible for the InVue key to break the door lock.
The advantage is that user have more control, easy to open and lock will automatically close, which helps the customer service do their job faster without having to worry about the door getting locked.
Main concern of customers: Too many keys.

InVue’s solution: OneKEY.

Contribute to customer welfare
Giving every associate a key eliminates key sharing and promotes a safer working environment.
The single key solution is to reduce potential security risks. OneKEY, combined with InVue’s Access Manager, allows you to assign and manage which departments in the store your associates can access and monitor their use to decrease internal theft.
If you are using or planning to use for new inventory so-called old school lockers and drawers and storing valuable documents (eg contracts, applications, CVs, lottery tickets, warranty cards), valuable products (eg medicines, jewelry), then know that we are offering a simpler, more convenient and more secure solution – InVue single-key security locks.
“Smart Lock provides a positive customer experience and great security at a lower cost than our mechanical locks.” (Best Buy Interactive Team)
Are you interested? Take a step closer to the InVue family – come to or invite us. We will help you find a suitable solution!