Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I see the products?

The main products are in our Tartu office (Aardla 25e, II floor). Opening hours can be found under Contacts.

Order fulfillment time? What does it depend on?

Order fulfillment time depends on the product. Once the offer / order has been approved, we will work on it immediately. For a product, it depends on whether the product is in stock or needs to be manufactured / ordered. If the product is in stock, we will send out the order on the same day. If the product is out of stock, 1-3 weeks should be considered. Approximate delivery time will be communicated to You upon confirmation of Your order, but any delays beyond our control should be considered. We advise to inform us at first about any additional information of delivery.

Custom-made products?

Special order products could take into account a production time of at least 1-2 weeks.

How can I pay?

It is not possible to pay on the spot, we will send You invoice after we have send Your order out.


Request a quote or contact us for a price list here in our website.

Only these products?

The main products are displayed on our website. If You do not find the product You are looking for, feel free to ask us for help here.

Minimum quantities?

Products can also be ordered one at a time without additional costs. Individual products may also be assigned a minimum quantity depending on the number of products in the package.


Yeah. We work with one of the leading transport and logistics companies in the Baltic countries, delivering shipments to major cities in Estonia by the next working day and elsewhere by the next working day at the latest. It is also possible to order Itella SmartPOST parcel terminal. Price according to the service provider’s price list.

Transportation outside Estonia will be specified together with the offer or order.

Can I pick up my order myself?

Yes. When the products are ready for dispatch, it is possible to come to our warehouse (during normal opening hours), Aardla 25e Tartu. Or send Your own transport partner to pick it up from us.

How to become a reseller of our products?

Nothing complicated, contact us directly and we will send you more detailed information on how to become a reseller of Laimincom OÜ products. For our part, we offer as much support as possible to make reselling as easy as possible.

Didn’t find the answer to your questions?

Contact us, we are ready to help you. Email: oliver@laimincom.ee or phone: +372 53045574.